Episode #8: Learning About Viticulture with @TheGrapeProf

In episode no. 8 of the In Vino Fabulum (#InVinoFab) podcast, Patrice and Laura learn all about the world of viticulture and enology with Dr. Justine VandenHeuvel a.k.a. @TheGrapeProf
In episode no. 8 of the In Vino Fabulum (#InVinoFab) podcast, Patrice and Laura learn all about the world of viticulture and enology with Dr. Justine VandenHeuvel  a.k.a. @TheGrapeProf:

As an Associate Professor in the Horticulture Section, Dr. Justine VandenHeuvel is actively involved in both research and teaching. Justine’s research focuses on optimizing flavors and aromas in wine grapes, and improving both the environmental and economic sustainability of wine grape production systems in cool climates and the experiences of women in the wine industry. She teaches several undergraduate courses in Viticulture.

A few items we chatted about in this #InVinoFab episode to read more about:
- Guelph Farmers’ Market (http://www.guelphfarmersmarket.ca/) vs. Ithaca Farmers Market (http://www.ithacamarket.com/
- Introduction to Wine (HADM 4300) is about wine (not Justine’s area of study/instruction) https://classes.cornell.edu/browse/roster/FA16/class/HADM/4300
- Justine Vanden Heuvel, Viticulture and Enology, Cornell University - Using NDVI Images to Optimize Vineyard Sampling Protocols [VIDEO] https://vimeo.com/151514767 
- CALS @ Cornell University https://cals.cornell.edu/
- Viticulture and Enology (V&E) https://grapesandwine.cals.cornell.edu/ 
- Wine Spectator: https://www.winespectator.com/ 
- Master of Professional Studies Studies in Agriculture and Life Sciences (M.P.S.) https://hort.cals.cornell.edu/graduate/degrees-and-requirements/master-professional-studies/
- How to make money and travel the world as a grape harvester on vineyards https://www.goatsontheroad.com/make-money-travel-world-grape-harvester-vineyards/ 
- Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station https://cuaes.cals.cornell.edu/farms/  

“Great wine truly is made in the vineyard…the best winemaker in the world cannot make a great wine from terrible grapes.” ~ Dr. Justine VandenHeuvel a.k.a.

Courses Taught in the V&E Major by Dr. VandenHeuvel: 
-Introduction to Wines and Vines (VIEN 1104)
-Growing Grapes and Making Wines Laboratory (VIEN 2205)
-Wine Culture (co-taught with a Classics) (VIEN 2810)

Possible new career options in viticulture:

Q: What are some key takeaways from lay people that we should be more aware of for wine production and appreciative of?

A: Great wine truly is made in the vineyard. It’s always the winemaker that gets the “rock star” status, not the vineyard manager. The best winemaker in the world cannot make a great wine from terrible grapes. The aromas and flavors come from the vineyard they originate from, the climate, and the different practices within the vineyard.

Q: What types of barriers and/or support did you have as a female who was entering into the world of viticulture?

A: Dr. Helen Fisher from University of Guelph was one of her early mentors in the field: https://www.plant.uoguelph.ca/people-and-places/people/helen-fisher and the support of a growing number of women faculty and vineyard managers who are present 

Favorite type of wine(s): Finger Lake Wines http://www.fingerlakeswinecountry.com/ and cool climate wines from Ontario www.vqaontario.ca/

#InVinoFab Recommended Reads:
The Gardens of Pompeii: Herculaneum and the Villas Destroyed by Versuvius: Vol. 2, Appendices First Edition Edition by Wilhelmina Feemster Jashemski https://www.amazon.com/Gardens-Pompeii-Herculaneum-Destroyed-Appendices/dp/0892411252 

Do Children in France Have a Healthier Relationship With Alcohol? https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/04/28/do-children-in-france-have-a-healthier-relationship-with-alcohol/ by Katherine Kinzler & Justine VandenHeuvel 

Follow the work of Dr. Justine VandenHeuvel:
--Twitter: @thegrapeprof 

Do you have a story to share with us on  a future #InVinoFab podcast? Is there you’d like to hear from on the pod. Tell us about a guest or why not volunteer yourself! We Love email and want to hear from you at invinofabulum@gmail.com 

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