Episode #19: Mind the Gender Gap - Overworked & Underpaid
Mind the Gender Gap: Overworked & Underpaid
The Gender Pay Gap Was on Track to Shrink in America. Here’s Why It Hasn’t.
Mind the Gender Gap: Overworked & Underpaid
The Gender Pay Gap Was on Track to Shrink in America. Here’s Why It Hasn’t.
Youngjoo Cha, a sociologist at Indiana University, shares her expertise and research on overwork and gender. Her research shows that while the education gap is closing between men and women, overwork has all but canceled out efforts to equalize the job market. In fact, the gender pay gap would have actually shrunk by 10 percent in recent decades if not for this phenomenon.
A personal narrative in this pod from an associate professor, Ciannat Howett, about job growth and overwork resonated with Laura:
-pressures and commitment for certain professions and careers
-living in a big metropolitan city with loads of single professional women to moving to the south (Atlanta) where that is not the norm
-Expectations to have a family and challenges in the stressed working environments
-Roles of partners, spouses, parents, child-care, and self-care while developing your career
In thinking of this gender gap, we talk about:
- Priorities and pacing your career goals
- Support within personal/professional lives
- Job culture and fit at the organization
- Expectations in defining success - defined by you
- Make a choice and own it - no professional F.O.M.O.
- The Age that Women Have Babies: How a Gap Divides America https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/08/04/upshot/up-birth-age-gap.html
- The Better Life Lab Podcast https://www.newamerica.org/better-life-lab/podcasts/better-life-lab-podcast/
What do women have to give up to get ahead?
What does being a successful professional female mean to you?
How are you setting your own expectations in your career? Do you have a balance of work, life, and self in your work? Tell us about it. We’d love to hear your perspective and thoughts on this Gender Gap issue with the hashtag #InVinoFab. Send us questions, love, suggestions, and thoughts to our email: invinofabulum@gmail.com
Stay connected to the #InVinoFab Podcast:
- Hosts: Patrice (@profpatrice) & Laura (@laurapasquini); pronouns: she/her
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