Episode #25: Creating an Inclusive Gender Culture

On the #InVinoFab episode #25 is a vignette (short podcast) where @Profpatrice & @laurapasquini chat about how to create a more inclusive environment for women on your team, after sharing a couple of articles and discussions from the HBR Women at Work podcast.
@InVinoFab Episode #25 is a vignette (short podcast) where @Profpatrice & @laurapasquini chat about how to create a more inclusive environment for women on your team, after sharing a couple of articles and discussions from the HBR Women at Work podcast (https://hbr.org/2018/01/podcast-women-at-work) and a couple articles they recently reads
--- 4 Ways Women Can Build Relationships When They Feel Excluded at Work
--- In Collaborative Work Cultures, Women Carry Most of the Weight https://hbr.org/2018/07/in-collaborative-work-cultures-women-carry-more-of-the-weight

Most cultures/systems were created by men and continue to be heavily dominated by patriarchal traditions. Suggestions for improving identify inclusion part of the values and take a deep look at the culture of your organization, team, or group at work. What we need is more awareness on the topic of a gender inclusive space and consider ways to mentor individuals OR to bring different voices to the table to build rich relationships and group dynamics of support. 

LISTEN to: Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast -- hosted by @bonni208

Mentioned on the #InVinoFab pod episode:
Don’t assume you can take a list of suggestions and implement them and assume that inclusion will happen.
—Bryan Dewsbury, LISTEN to episode #215 of the @tihighered pod here:

"A lot of institutions think diversity is having a woman, having a person of color, on faculty — but not structural change." ~ Stephen Finley Solid @tihighered episode #214: On Not Affirming Our Values [in #highered] https://teachinginhighered.com/podcast/on-not-affirming-our-values/  

Things to consider for hiring and/or supporting for an inclusive gender team at work:
-- Success and support from management is key - how are you leading?
-- Consider needs, wants of all genders. Not enough to to hire, need to retrain, unlearn, and grow as an inclusive group. 
-- Be transparent, communicate progress and what work needs to be done. Allow your team members to be part of this process of knowing and understanding what gender inclusion is about.

Is there someone else we should talk to? Do you have a question or issue we should chat about on a future pod?  Let us know. We’d love to hear from you about whose story we should share on a future #InVinoFab episode. Send us love, suggestions, and comments to: invinofabulum@gmail.com 

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