Episode #10: @saguaromelee on Teaching with Wikipedia for STEM Education

In the In Vino Fabulum podcast, episode no. 10 we are joined by Kelee Pacion (@saguaromelee) who works as a librarian in the Albert R. Mann Library at Cornell University. Her background is in STEM instruction, information literacy, and instructional design. She is the library liaison to Molecular Biology and Genetics, Neurobiology and Behavior, Microbiology, and the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs. Her primary focus as the instruction coordinator is on curriculum mapping, instruction planning, and working with Wikipedia as a means of teaching applied communication skills.
Kelee Pacion (@saguaromelee) works as a librarian in the Albert R. Mann Library at Cornell University. Her background is in STEM instruction, information literacy, and instructional design. She is the library liaison to Molecular Biology and Genetics, Neurobiology and Behavior, Microbiology, and the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs. Her primary focus as the instruction coordinator is on curriculum mapping, instruction planning, and working with Wikipedia as a means of teaching applied communication skills.

Kelee did her undergraduate degree in Molecular Biosciences at Arizona State University.  Her first master’s in Curriculum and Instruction at Arizona State University, her second master’s in Information Resources and Library Science at the University of Arizona, and is currently working on a third master degree in public administration with a focus on science communication and policy. She is a self-proclaimed “life-long learner” who loves to collect masters degrees and be engaged in the education process. Here is more about her MPA degree program at Cornell University. Connect with her and learn more about her work here:
ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/ilframework 

“Authority is constructed and contextual.”
“The fact that I’m writing for Wikipedia has more meaning for me. The fact that I’m going to get out there and communicate with more people, than if I wrote an academic paper.” ~Student Using Wikipedia for Education

Want to get involved in Wikipedia even if you’re outside higher ed?
Create a username and get involved!
Check out the Training/For students for the “how to” edit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Training/For_students 

“So why say don’t use it? Just teach people how to use it correctly, and then they can use it as a launch point.”  ~Kelee’s advice for Wikipedia as a starting point for research for higher ed learners.

About Wikipedia in the news:
Nearly All of Wikipedia is Written by Just 1% of Its Editors https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/7x47bb/wikipedia-editors-elite-diversity-foundation 
BONUS Listen: How I Built This Podcast episode with Wikipedia founder, Jimmy Wales https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/national-public-radio/how-i-built-this/e/53468668 

Favorite drink = beer! Belgium style, pilsners, lagers, IPAs, pale ales, & session ales!
As more of a craft beer drinker, so her go-to breweries nearby are:
Brewery Ommegang http://www.ommegang.com/ 

Notable story and reads:
GoodReads https://www.goodreads.com/  (yay!)
Fan of science fiction! 
The Southern Reach Series (trilogy): Annihilation, Authority, and Acceptance:  http://joinsr.azurewebsites.net/ 
Recent article read: Textbook Racism: How Scholars Sustained White Supremacy https://www.chronicle.com/article/How-Scholars-Sustained-White/243053 
How do we select and use text for education and learning? Who decides about the knowledge that is shared?

Do you have someone we should interview? Do YOU want to be interviewed for the pod? Let us know. We’d love to hear from you about whose story we should share on a future #InVinoFab episode. Send us love, suggestions, and comments to: invinofabulum@gmail.com 

Stay tuned and connect to the #InVinoFab Podcast:
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